This made me think about how much of my life is wrapped up in some sort of Google application. Gmail, documents, YouTube, calendar... the list goes on and on. Looking at the analytics for our website at work (another google product) I see that 92% of our search engine traffic comes from google. In any given work day, i spend probably 25% of my day using a Google tool of some sort (not counting the entire day that I have Gmail open. When I get home, I catch up on my RSS feeds, sometimes post to a blog, watch movie trailers, and update my personal calendar. All of these things are Google services. (I even use a Google browser)
So, when I see that Google stock is dropping, in some ways that scares me more than other signs of the economic apocolypse, because I know how ingrained in my entire life a "search engine" is. I guess I don't really have a point, but most of this musing was done in the absense of Google for a mere 15 minutes.